104 Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineering jobs in Hindustan Shipyard Limited

104 Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineering jobs in Hindustan Shipyard Limited

Post: Graduate and Technician/Diploma Apprentices

Vacancy :                         Graduate Apprentices             Technician/Diploma Apprentices

Mechanical Engineering          37                                              33

Electrical Engineering/EEE     09                                              10

Civil Engineering                      02                                              04

CSE/IT                                       03                                               0

Electronics & Communication Engineering 03                          02

Naval Architecture                      01                                               0

Total                                            55                                            49

104 Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineering jobs in Hindustan Shipyard Limited104 Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineering jobs in Hindustan Shipyard Limited

Age :as per Apprenticeship Rules.

Pay scale :As per Government Norms

Graduate and Technician/Diploma Apprentices Qualification & experience :

A degree in engineering or technology granted by statutory University.
A degree in engineering or technology granted by an Institutions empowered to grant such degrees by an Act of Parliament.
A Diploma in Engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Education established by a State Government in relevant discipline.
 A Diploma in Engineering or Technology granted by a University in relevant discipline.

Graduate and Technician/Diploma Apprentices Selection Process :  

The Selection will be based on Merit list.

Important Dates for 104 Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineering jobs in Hindustan Shipyard Limited:  

Last date for submission of application   26 September  2022

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